Warehouses Woo Absent Workers

| Barbara Arnn

The Dec. 2002 issue of WERCwatch reports on warehouse employee attendance trends and ways to manage absenteeism. With the annual cost of absenteeism rising

Are Spin-offs Paying Off?

| Shayn Ferriolo

By all accounts, spring 2001 wasn’t the best time to launch a catalog spin-off. The Internet crash of late 2000 was infecting the economy at large like

A WINNING Combination

| Jeff Siegel

Three years ago, when Circuit City was puzzling over how to set up its e-commerce fulfillment system, the electronics retailer could have gone in any

Best Practices in the Worst of Times

| MCM staff

Statistics and forecasts are all very well, but you want to know what your peers are really doing to keep their operations afloat in straitened economic

Short Takes: Shrink-Wrapped

| Barbara Arnn

Warehouse network contraction and expansion are a way to restructure to meet the demands of the economy, and current restructuring has a definite vector

New Pig Nearly Burned by Fire

| Shayn Ferriolo

When a fire destroyed one of New Pig’s three buildings on its Tipton, PA, campus this past Halloween, the manufacturer/marketer of industrial cleanup