Pay as You Go

| Ernie Schell

OrderMotion from Transaction Smartware Inc. is a fully functional order management system with essential inventory management and fulfillment capabilities.

It Ain’t Over Till It’s Over

| David Pluviose

This fall’s West Coast port dispute has made retailers justifiably nervous about whether this supply chain link will hold for the holiday season. For

Lipstick on a Pig

| Bill Kuipers

Although the costs of an inaccurate inventory can be immense, they are also difficult to quantify. And in all too many cases, making the effort of cycle

Port lockout problems not over yet

| MCM staff

The West Coast port lockout may be over, but the resulting backlog of containers could hurt marketers throughout the holiday season. Among the company

NewRoads acquires APL Direct

| MCM staff

NewRoads, a provider of fulfillment and customer care services, has acquired Hebron, KY-based APL Direct Logistics, the consumer direct fulfillment division

Supply + Demand

| Rama Ramaswami

The newfound glamour of supply chain management extends to retail technology as well. In a recent benchmark study titled Global CIO Outlook for Retail


| Rama Ramaswami

Multiple personalities are no longer a bad thing, at least in retail. It’s now taken for granted that if you plan to sell products and services, you must

Lock, Dock, and Barrel

| MCM staff

The lockout of Pacific ports that the Pacific Maritime Association initiated during the last weekend in September underlined the rather downbeat tone