Wine With Everything

| Mark Del Franco

When you’re stuck with a lemon, you make lemonade, but what do you do with sour grapes? Make wine, of course. When a merger between two Web-based wine

School Specialty Learning a New WMS

| Mark Del Franco

Say you’re a nearly $800 million multititle mailer that has acquired 38 companies in 10 years. You have eight distribution centers nationwide and rely

From Paycheck to Paycheck

| MCM staff

Are you paying your operations employees enough? Or with the weaker economy, could you now fill that open fulfillment-manager job for less than you paid

Small Catalogs Step Up to the Service Plate

| Shayn Ferriolo

In the midst of a down economy and rampant belt tightening, you may suspect that providing superior customer service is hardly a priority for small catalogers.


| D. Douglas Graham

You can applaud the skill of a prestidigitator even if you suspect that his act is all done with mirrors. But in a tough economy, when time and money

Pet Supplies Cataloger Shakes Off Lawsuit

| Paul Miller

Pet supplies cataloger Doctors Foster & Smith professes not to be concerned about being sued by Novartis Animal Health U.S. In a suit filed on March 22,

Pay No Money Now!

| Michael D. McIntyre, Ph.D.

You won’t need to, because you will pay heavily later if you’re in the habit of using the most common test given to job applicants. You know the one:

Fab Five

| Barbara Arnn

The results are in, and the winners are clear. According to a Warehousing Education and Research Council survey conducted in July 2001, there are only

staying in shape


The year was 1909. The United States of America consisted of 46 states, William Howard Taft was president, mailing a letter cost two cents, the Model