Fingerhut’s Fate

| MCM staff

Federated Department Stores’ decision to rid itself of its Fingerhut subsidiary didn’t surprise most industry observers. After all, Federated had been

People News

| MCM staff

Novato, CA-based garden products cataloger/ retailer Smith & Hawken hired Lisa Bayne as senior vice president of marketing. Most recently, Bayne was senior

Military Intelligence

| MCM staff

In the past seven years, the U.S. Army has cut average domestic delivery times from 15-20 days to six, slashed order and ship times for repair parts by

Smooth Recovery for Jagged Edge

| Shayn Ferriolo

Even before the current economic slowdown, outdoor sports apparel marketer Jagged Edge Mountain Gear was finding the going rough. Response to the $3.2

Apropos Ascending

| Ernie Schell

Multichannel marketing is hot these days, but few systems vendors make the required commitment to enable retail, Internet, and catalog sales equally.

Short Takes: Genie in the Bottleneck

| Rama Ramaswami

It may be a clich to say that business savvy lies in managing people, processes, and technology properly, but it’s still remarkable that some companies

The Value of Terror

| MCM staff

We know that some people try to make money out of everything. Given half a chance, they would sell their own families down the river if they thought they