Seattle Earthquake Jolts Northwest Mailers

| Moira Cotlier

The earth moved in Seattle, and catalogers based in the area felt it. But most agree that damage from the Feb. 28 earthquake measuring 6.8 on the Richter


| Lawrence Dean Shemesh

Would Waterloo have turned out differently if Napoleon had taken along a laptop? Perhaps not, but computer simulation models can serve as advanced tactical


| MCM staff

E-fulfillment solutions allow companies engaged in direct-to-customer operations to handle the challenges of fulfillment over the Internet Two Christmases

Splitting the Tab

| Diane Cyr

If you’ve asked a restaurant to split a check lately, you might be able to appreciate the new brand management strategy at Newco, the holding company

Operations & Management: Salary Survey

| Mark Del Franco

The grass may be greener on the other side or not. But instead of speculating whether your peers at other companies are raking in more green than you,


| Doris Kilbane

THE JOURNEY to achieving supply chain efficiency may well remind you at times of that summer vacation from hell. You know, the one with the whole family


| Bill Petersen

The context from which measurements are taken determines their value Scorecarding applications summarize and highlight data for quick analysis If you

It May Not Be the Economy, Stupid

| Mark Del Franco

The holiday shopping season prevented a number of consumer catalogers from feeling the economic malaise until the first quarter of 2001. Not all business-to-business