Post-Pandemic Shipping: Are We There Yet?

| Jarrett Streebin

How can a merchant simultaneously deal with carriers extending delivery windows and consumers wanting their goods now in the extended era of post-pandemic shipping? The key is understanding where post-pandemic shipping is headed and preparing for this inevitability proactively. Here’s what you need to know.

Last Mile Sustainability: Retail’s Environmental Impact

| Guy Bloch

There is a real urgency for retailers to address the sustainability factor in ecommerce head on. With today’s wave of socially conscious consumers, incorporating sustainable practices across the supply chain is the next big challenge and is imperative for retailers to prioritize, especially those focused on long-term growth.

This is easier said than done, but what can retailers realistically do to address and win against these challenges?

CPG Brands, Know the New Ad Playbook

| Jordan Rost

Long before DTCs and DNVBs rode social, mobile, and ecommerce to steal mindshare and market share, the earliest, largest CPG brands were built with broad reach on television. Ever since, a digital divide has separated winners and losers. Now, with streaming hot, TV has joined the upstarts in the CPG digital marketers’ basket.