Topless Towers

| MCM staff

Now that President Bush has made it OK to mention matters of faith in public, maybe it’s time to sermonize a bit and denounce pride. Medieval Christian

Cyber Patrol

| David Pluviose

What are your employees most likely to do when no one’s looking? Surf porn sites on the Web Send chain e-mails to co-workers Make personal long-distance

Working Gear

| MCM staff

Material handling problems got you down? This Web site could give you a lift. Salt Lake City-based ESKAY Corporation developed its portal

Lew Waddey on Outsourcing

| MCM staff

Poor service is the inevitable result if you fail to take the time to manage the third-party fulfillment (3PF) selection process properly.

The Sobering Realities of Selling Wine Online

| Moira Cotlier

They say two businesses that do well in hard times are bars and liquor stores. But that rule apparently doesn’t apply in cyberspace.Online alcohol seller


| Ernie Schell

Here’s how to pinpoint the software and systems that will help you coordinate customers, orders, and inventory across all sales channelsIn the good old

Global Gifts Niche Emerges in Print

| Shayn Ferriolo

It is a small world after all: Two catalogs selling gifts made by artisans throughout the world recently debuted. dropped its first catalog

MANY (unhappy) RETURNS

| MCM staff

Ever think trying to return something to an online retailer is just not worth the trouble? You’re not alone. In a recent survey by PricewaterhouseCoopers,

EToys Finally Played Out

| MCM staff

Los Angeles–Unable to find further capital or a buyer, floundering online toy retailer eToys plans to shut down next week and file for bankruptcy protection

talking heads

| MCM staff

“How do you measure warehouse productivity?” The ultimate measurements I would use for a distribution center would be units – cartons or pieces, for instance