| Rama Ramaswami

What got you started in distribution?My family ran cut-and-sew factories, and I started working there when I was 15, cleaning toilets and working summers.


| Paul Miller

NEBS to trim down B-to-b mailer hopes to save $1.1 million After buying several complementary business supplies catalogers during the past few years –

ABC, 123

| Terrance Pohlen

Activity-based costing is a potent tool to calculate your direct and indirect costs accurately. In the first of a two-part series, logistics expert Terrance

Moving Target

| Ernie Schell

If you sell online, you are a high-profile target for credit card fraud. Catalogers and retailers have a fraudulent credit card rate of 1% or less, compared

FULFILLMENT Last-minute gift-wrapping tips

| Mark Del Franco

Are you ready for the holiday order crush? Given the problems that some catalogers and Web marketers had forecasting inventory needs and fulfilling holiday


| Rama Ramaswami

Then and Now As we enter the second millennium, it is fitting to dust off an old classic: Fenvessy on Fulfillment: The Catalog Executive’s Guide, a manual

fenvessy on personnel

| MCM staff

Writing the Job Description As in most enterprises, the success of a fulfillment operation depends, in large part, on the quality of its people at all

fenvessy on personnel

| MCM staff

Productivity Improvement and Cost Reduction The overall goals of the executive in charge of fulfillment should be three-fold:- provide fast order turnaround;-


| Curt Barry

Sigma Micro’s Controller+ The business systems marketplace is demanding more options, more support, and of course, more e-commerce functionality. Sigma

talking heads

| MCM staff

“Has the recent downturn in Internet stocks affected your business?”I don’t believe we’ve been affected at all, to tell the truth. We see no signs of