WAREHOUSES: An ounce of prevention

| Mark Del Franco

Regular equipment audits and inspections can reduce repair costsAs anyone who owns a car knows, regularly inspecting and maintaining an auto is much cheaper

Ha-Lo bets big on the Web

| Diane Cyr

The leading promotional products distributor is moving online with a big-bucks dealWhen a leading business-to-business marketer drops 500% in market value

How we catalogers can win on the Web

| Michael Tiernan

Welcome to cyberspace, the American dream, the frontier of the new millennium, and an unprecedented opportunity for direct marketers to use their skills

Borrowing from the masters

| MCM staff

This month’s questionsDo you emulate any other catalogers or businesses? If so, whom, and why?Maybe it’s just good old-fashioned American ingenuity at

ONLINE SECURITY: Warding off hacker attacks

| Bob Woods

Simple ways to keep your Website secureAfter a cyber extortionist calling himself or herself Maxus hacked into the database of the CD Universe music Website

INVENTORY MANAGEMENT: Counting on accuracy

| Mark Del Franco

Cycle counts can give you a better handle on your inventory statusMany catalogers view shutting down their warehouse operations once or twice a year to


| MCM staff

To satisfy customers’ need for near-instant gratification, many catalogers are investing in technology to provide better, faster service. For instance,

SPIN-OFFS: Birth of a teen Venus

| Mark Del Franco

Venus Swimwear targets teens with new titleHoping to convert teenage girls into lifelong buyers, Jacksonville, FL-based swimsuit cataloger Venus Swimwear