Micro Warehouse sold

| MCM staff

To hear Jerome York tell it, the pending acquisition of $2.22 billion computer cataloger Micro Warehouse by an eclectic group of investors is little more

In search of CRM

| Diane Cyr

It’s the buzzword among marketing proselytizers, visionaries, and MBA-types. But even catalogers that recognize the term `customer relationship management’

All in the family

| Charlie Fletcher

This month’s questionWhat are the benefits and drawbacks to working in a family business?It’s said that the family that plays together stays together.

Executive Greetings greets changes

| Mark Del Franco

When San Francisco buyout firm Behrman Capital became the majority shareholder in $110 million Executive Greetings in September, it announced that the

STRATEGIES: Cost-cutting 2000

| Shannon Oberndorf

Tips for a more profitable new yearFor many, a new year is a time for new resolutions. And often enough, those resolutions have a money-saving bent. But

WEB ORDERING: Taking stock of ‘Net orders

| Mark Del Franco

Offering real-time inventory status onlineAccording to the Catalog Age 1999 Consumer Catalog Shopping Survey, more than 60% of online shoppers cite “convenience”

Watch out! They’re stealing our workers

| MCM staff

We recently had an employee leave us to work for a larger catalog company. We replaced that individual with someone from another catalog. Around the same


| Shannon Oberndorf

CVI purchase doubles Potpourri’s number of titlesThe dictionary defines “potpourri” as a combination of incongruous elements, but multititle catalog mailer

Pet pick-me-ups

| MCM staff

Many catalogers are touting gifts and accessories designed to commemorate the New Year, from Y2K survival kits to year 2000 champagne flutes. But for