Dishing in the Desert

| MCM staff

In January, Catalog Age fled the freezing temperatures of the Northeast for the warm sunshine of Phoenix to speak with local catalog executives about

Olympics and Elections

| MCM staff

Conventional wisdom and anecdotal evidence indicate that catalog response and sales decline during the two weeks of the Olympic Games and for the week

Production Page: Better Color Management

| Mark Del Franco

For catalog production managers, color can be a four-letter word. In some product lines in particular apparel, home decor, food inaccurate color reproduction

Consumer Roundtable: Going to the Source

| MCM staff

After conducting numerous roundtable discussions with catalog executives nationwide, Catalog Age decided it was time to go directly to the source: the

New Catalogs

| MCM staff

Early Childhood Manufacturers’ Direct Monterey, CA-based Early Childhood Manufacturers’ Direct (ECMD), a Web-only marketer for the past eight years, is

Chapter 6: Training Curriculum

| MCM staff

In their book Customer Service and Human Experience, Drs. D’Ausilio and Anton, who believe that core competencies should be customized for each client,

California Crackdown

| Paul Miller

If you’ve ever sent a marketing e-mail to someone who did not specifically request it from you, you’re a spammer in the eyes of a new California law.

The Ruby Slippers of Search

| Brian Klais

If consumers find e-commerce appealing because it helps them find and buy products easier and in less time, then your Website is no longer the shortest