LeadsRx Announces Privacy Studio Software for IT Teams to Build a Data Clean Room

Portland, OR, Oct. 5, 2021 Marketing analytics company LeadsRx announced today a Privacy Studio for large enterprises to implement a privacy-first analytics platform for assessing marketing performance.

LeadsRx Privacy Studio™ is available to IT teams and establishes a Data Clean Room (DCR) that houses and makes available the anonymous and first-party data needed to drive analytic software. The architecture allows IT to fully control data governance according to corporate policy while also enabling full analytic access through SaaS applications.

DCRs are necessary considering demands from consumers to keep their information private and for businesses to be compliant with GDPR, CCPA, HIPAA and other regulations for security and privacy throughout Europe, US and worldwide. For marketing analytics software in particular, consumer trust is a key responsibility as systems gather important data about how consumers arrive to websites, view content, purchase products, and more. While such data can be left as anonymous data points, marketers often need to associate specific identities to validate results. This creates a vulnerability when data is stored within vendor platforms, which often do not adhere to enterprise-specific data governance policy.

The LeadsRx solution separates data otherwise stored within a vendor platform into an independent DCR, controlled and administered by the enterprise IT team. Data in the DCR is collected by the LeadsRx Isolation Pixel™ (LIP), a first-party branded and hosted web tag, placed on the enterprise’s website. At rest, data can be encrypted, stored, secured, enriched, and controlled by IT according to corporate data policy and is not co-mingled with other data in a typical SaaS multi-tenanted database.

How the LeadsRx Isolation Pixel Works

The LIP has two components, the first is computer code installed by IT onto the enterprise’s branded servers, and the second is computer code inserted into the enterprise’s website. The two components work together to collect anonymous and first-party data, which is then stored into the enterprise’s own Data Clean Room.

Importantly, the LIP does not rely on third-party cookies but instead uses a combination of techniques to construct an identity graph with both deterministic and probabilistic methodologies to unify consumer journeys.

Once in the DCR, data can be accessed by tools IT authorizes for various analytic tasks. Today, support is provided for LeadsRx Attribution™, an impartial multi-touch attribution solution, and LeadsRx Journey™, a customer journey analytics platform. There is also an open API that can be used to extract and enrich data stored in the DCR.

“With LeadsRx Privacy Studio, marketers and IT can work together to securely collect, isolate, and analyze consumer data while still meeting the goal of delivering on-budget marketing programs that meet corporate revenue objectives,” said AJ Brown, CEO and co-founder of LeadsRx. “Because consumer privacy is a top concern for all the enterprise companies LeadsRx works with, a Data Clean Room architecture can now be implemented to safely store and enrich data for analysis.”

LeadsRx Marketing Technology Privacy Standard

LeadsRx is an early adopter of consumer privacy and consent with a default policy of collecting only anonymous data through its platform. The introduction of LeadsRx Privacy Studio continues its unwavering commitment to impartial and accurate data by enabling IT departments to adhere to any security and privacy framework from within the DCR.

“IT control over data governance is a growing requirement for top brands, and data collected by LeadsRx showing how consumers engage with brand assets needs to be protected by corporate policy,” said Brown. “Adhering to consumer privacy demands and building consumer trust is the cornerstone to the evolution of marketing technology.”

For more details on LeadsRx security and privacy please click here.

Learn more about LeadsRx Privacy Studio, LeadsRx Attribution and LeadsRx Journey by visiting LeadsRx.com.

About LeadsRx

Guided by an ethos of impartiality, consumer privacy, and quality first-party data, LeadsRx provides SaaS software and services that has helped marketers at more than 5,000 global and local brands and agencies increase customer acquisition efficiency, grow lifetime value, and identify wasted ad spend. LeadsRx foundational technology is our unique Universal Pixel™ that has collected more than 2.0 billion personas for anonymous individuals – not personal identities, but the characteristics or demographic attributes that make up the type of customer or customers represented by their digital experience across devices, browsers, and apps. To learn more about how LeadsRx can support you in marketing transformation visit LeadsRx.com. Connect with LeadsRx on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.

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