Peter Tirschwell of the Journal of Commerce Named 2023 Person of the Year by the NY/NJ Foreign Freight Forwarders & Brokers Association

New York, Nov. 10, 2022 — Peter Tirschwell, vice president for Maritime, Trade and Supply Chain at S&P Global Market Intelligence, publisher of the Journal of Commerce (JOC) and leading global provider of maritime data, analysis, advisory and media, has been named the 2023 Person of the Year by the New York/New Jersey Foreign Freight Forwarders and Brokers Association (NYNJFFFBA).  Mr. Tirschwell will be honored at the association’s 105th dinner gala on February 2, 2023, at the Hyatt Regency on the Hudson, Jersey City.

Peter Tirschwell leads the Journal of Commerce, the former daily New York City maritime newspaper founded in 1827, which today is a team of specialized business journalists analyzing end-to-end international shipping supply chains including containerized shipping, ports, airfreight, trucking, rail, distribution centers and home delivery, addressed to the needs of corporate supply chain leaders and other subscribers.

A career business journalist, Mr. Tirschwell has served the JOC as a maritime reporter, West Coast Bureau Chief, and Editor in Chief of the daily newspaper, as well as publisher. He is currently in charge of the Shipping Intelligence business within S&P Global Market Intelligence. Mr. Tirschwell is a driving force in the success of the annual TPM conference as the founder and chairman of the world’s largest and most influential container shipping event, which was founded in 2001.

He writes regular news analysis, speaks frequently at industry events and has been quoted in or written op-ed pieces for mainstream business media including The Wall Street JournalCNBC, The Washington Post, CBS News, NPR, The Financial Times, The New York Times and many others.

“Throughout the years, Peter Tirschwell has consistently and even-handedly played a pivotal role in the exchange of information so vital to the management and success of our industry,” said Jeanette Gioia, NYNJFFFBA President. “He certainly has been a leader in identifying and making sense of the port, supply chain, and regulatory issues in the quest to manage today’s challenges and tomorrow’s opportunities to meet the worldwide needs of trade and transportation. It is our honor to recognize his leadership role.”

The awards dinner is a major industry event in the United States and is attended by executives and representatives of the ocean carriers, forwarders, brokers, terminal operators, government and the many ancillary industries. Sponsorships, tickets and membership directory advertising are available through the association at or by telephone at 732-741-1936.