RollWorks Customers See Industry-Leading Results, Including an 18% Increase in Average Win Rates

New RollWorks Ad Revenue Impact Report gives customers ability to directly tie marketing investments to revenue impact

SAN FRANCISCO, June 29, 2023 — Account-based marketing platform RollWorks, a division of NextRoll, today unveiled new industry-leading ROI stats across its customer base, including an average 18% increase in win rates, 16% increase in opportunities created, and 20% increase in opportunity-converting form-fills — all within 6 months of going live with RollWorks. The insights are made possible by a new RollWorks Ad Revenue Impact Report, which helps marketers easily quantify the influence of their advertising investment on pipeline creation and revenue.

Marketers need to know if their investments accelerate pipeline and result in closed-won deals. But with multiple touch points, several marketing campaigns, and misalignment with the sales team, it’s difficult for marketers to pinpoint exactly how paid ad spend influences deals.

“Marketers must go beyond impressions, clicks, and quantifying pipeline efficiency and revenue contribution to solidify their position as a strategic business driver rather than just a cost center,” said Jodi Cerretani, VP of Marketing for RollWorks. “The RollWorks Ad Revenue Impact Report gives marketers unparalleled insights into the direct impact of their efforts on company revenue, as represented in their CRM, allowing them to make data-driven decisions like never before and undeniably prove marketing contribution toward business goals. The report is already well received by RollWorks customers, who are seeing well above industry ROI across the board.”

With the new RollWorks Ad Revenue Report, marketers can track the total amount of pipeline revenue influenced from their RollWorks ads. Because the report connects directly to a customer’s CRM, including Hubspot and Salesforce, it can show a clear line between advertising investments and revenue, pulling from the real time source of truth for pipeline and revenue. Additionally, the report is customizable, so marketers can easily align report outputs to their internal definitions of “influence.” Not only does the Ad Revenue Impact Report enable marketers to see whether ad-influenced opportunities have an accelerated sales cycle, higher average contract value, and better win-rate than those that are not influenced by ads, but they can easily share the dashboard with stakeholders to showcase revenue impact from advertising efforts.

Ad Revenue Impact Report: 360 view of advertising impact boosts velocity and revenue

The Ad Revenue Impact Report, now in open beta within the RollWorks platform, automatically connects and centralizes sales and advertising data to surface actionable insights within an intuitive dashboard, providing total visibility into ad impact. This makes it easy for marketers to see how ads move the needle for the business, by highlighting the impact of ads on key metrics such as revenue, velocity, progression, and win rates.

The Ad Revenue Impact Report provides the flexibility of monitoring advertising impact at all levels of granularity so organizations can monitor real-time status from all angles based on their goals and business needs. They can either get a high level, executive summary view of all ad-influence results for executive reporting, or drill down to specific account, campaign, and creative asset level details for detailed insights and analysis. This allows teams to evaluate the overall success of their advertising efforts, precisely diagnose and optimize areas of improvement, and prove marketing contribution toward business goals.

With the Ad Revenue Impact Report, marketers can:

  • Justify spend and value to leadership by quantifying ad-influenced pipeline and revenue.
  • Achieve repeatable success by understanding which strategies, campaigns, and creative assets are working well.
  • Optimize performance by quickly pinpointing improvement areas and iterating on your campaigns and adjusting spend in real time.
  • Tighten alignment with sales for maximum revenue impact by optimizing marketing-influenced leads accelerate pipeline.
  • Make strategic decisions with confidence using timely and accurate data insights.

RollWorks provides the most flexible ad-influenced revenue insights, allowing marketers to slice and dice actionable data at all levels of granularity. With a 360 view of advertising impact, marketers can evaluate every stage in the sales cycle and optimize ad efforts to boost velocity and revenue. Recent validation from RollWorks customers on G2:

  • “Powerful targeting and engagement tools enable us to identify and engage with high-value prospects at key accounts in a more personalized and effective way, resulting in increased conversion rates and revenue growth.” Mid-market professional
  • “The ability to attribute revenue to specific marketing efforts enables me to optimize campaigns, make data-driven decisions, and continuously improve my ABM strategy.” — Enterprise Computer Software professional
  • “We consistently get conversions that provide actual revenue to our business and in a cost-efficient manner through the RollWorks platform.” — Mid-market professional

Go to RollWorks to learn how you can demonstrate marketing impact with instant insights into your advertising influence on pipeline and revenue.

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About RollWorks

RollWorks, a division of NextRoll, offers ambitious B2B companies an account-based platform to align their marketing and sales teams and confidently grow revenue. Powered by proprietary data and machine learning, RollWorks’ solutions address the needs of organizations large and small — from those with best-in-class ABM programs to those just beginning their exploration. By empowering teams to identify their target accounts and key buyers, reach those accounts across multiple channels, and measure program effectiveness in their system-of-record, RollWorks is an indispensable platform for marketers and sellers who believe that an account-based approach is just good business. To learn more visit


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Melissa Rossiter

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