E-appending done right

| Ken Magill

With postage and paper costs on a never ending march upward, e-mail appending in which a third party matches permission-based e-mail names to a merchant’s

Don’t Stick to Your Knitting

| MCM staff

Our reviewers this month assess the creative presentation of The Wool Connection, an Avon, CT-based cataloger of yarn, needles, books, and accessories

Behind the MFA Boston Catalog’s Demise

| Paul Miller

Established as a private corporation in 2001, Museum Enterprise Partners (MEP) was meant to help fund the Museum of Fine Arts (MFA) Boston by running

Whole Nine Yards

| D. Douglas Graham

FANBUZZ INC. WORKS HARD for its money. No mere fulfillment house, the company provides a range of turnkey solutions that cover everything from scoop to

Bloomingdale’s Catalog Buyers Love New York

| Moira Cotlier

Few marketers are as closely identified with a city as Bloomingdale’s is with New York. This year, following the Sept. 11 attacks on the World Trade Center,