Sport Chalet

Vestis Retail Group is Shuttering Sports Chalet

| Tim Parry

Vestis Retail Group bought Sports Chalet in June 2014. Today, it announced it will knock Sports Chalet down and focus on Vestis’s other two regional merchants, Eastern Mountain Sports and Bob’s Stores.

Radio Shack bankruptcy, Radio Shack Chapter 11, General Wireless, ecommerce, data privacy, consumer data privacy, consumer data, Radio Shack

Will 2015 Be the Year of Retail Chapter 11s?

| Tim Parry

It was as inevitable as the sun rising, but RadioShack finally filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on February 5. It’s the fifth retailer to file for Chapter 11 since the traditional kickoff of the 2014 holiday season. Here’s a look at which retailers are restructuring, and which one is riding off into the sunset.