Burkhard Berger

[email protected]

Burkhard Berger is the founder of awesomex. You can follow him on his path from 0 to 100,000 monthly visitors on www.awesomex.com. His articles include some of the best growth hacking strategies and digital scaling tactics that he has learned from his own successes and failures.

payments CC on keyboard feature

Payment Gateways 101: Examples, Benefits and Drawbacks

| Burkhard Berger

If you’re selling anything online, odds are that part of your sales funnel is dependent on a payment gateway of some sort to accept payments through a bank card or third-party service. Here’s a primer on who the major providers are, the types of payment gateways, what they do, how they work and their pluses and minuses.

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The How and Why of Facebook Dynamic Ads

| Burkhard Berger

Facebook is constantly expanding its advertising offerings by creating new features to help advertisers get the most out of the platform. One such feature is Facebook dynamic ads. So, what are they and how do they work? And why you need them to help you meet your marketing goals? Here’s how they work and how you benefit.