Daniela Forte

Content Manager

[email protected] / DForteMCM

ecommerce fulfillment, shipping data, distribution data, Warehouse/Distribution Center, ecommerce shipping, direct-to-customer fulfillment

Taking a Closer Look at Your Data

| Daniela Forte

Being able to combine your online and in-store data today is critical for a brands’ personalization efforts. That is why it is important to be able to take a closer look at your data to help gain insight into your customer.

3 Ecommerce Trends for 2016

| Daniela Forte

More merchants will migrate to EMV bringing additional payment methods such as mobile and online form-factors in 2016. This infographic by Vantiv highlights three trends merchants will see this year.

Ecommerce Trends and Statistics

| Daniela Forte

Several customers stall before making a purchase for a variety of reasons, including having to add a new account, hidden shipping costs, payment security concerns among others.

Customer Loyalty, Trust and Data Breaches

| Daniela Forte

Almost seven in 10 consumers feel its the business’ responsibility to protect their data. If financial data is stolen, 64% would be unwilling to buy from that retailer again. This infographic illustrates why it’s important to maintain a level of trust among your consumers.

Will Hudson’s Bay Co. Buy Gilt Groupe?

| Daniela Forte

Several reports have indicated that high-end retailer Saks Fifth Avenue is in talks to acquire New York-based flash-sales site Gilt Groupe for $250 million. See what this will mean for both companies.