Diane Cyr

Slowly but Surely

| Diane Cyr

As so-called old-economy catalogers, Wilmar Industries and Barnett took their beatings in a tech-happy stock market. Now high-tech has cooled and Wilmar

Splitting the Tab

| Diane Cyr

If you’ve asked a restaurant to split a check lately, you might be able to appreciate the new brand management strategy at Newco, the holding company


| Diane Cyr

Are multichannel customers different from print catalog customers?The answer is no – and yesWhen it comes to defining the “new” customer, it’s important

Ha-Lo bets big on the Web

| Diane Cyr

The leading promotional products distributor is moving online with a big-bucks dealWhen a leading business-to-business marketer drops 500% in market value

Spiegel’s power play

| Diane Cyr

Over the years, Spiegel Catalog has assumed more personalities than Madonna – and for the most part, with less success. The current Spiegel catalog tagline

Building a Better Brookstone

| Diane Cyr

As a gadgets marketer with “innovation” as its tag line, Brookstone in the past few years has innovated:- an electronic barbecue fork- a hair dryer that

In search of CRM

| Diane Cyr

It’s the buzzword among marketing proselytizers, visionaries, and MBA-types. But even catalogers that recognize the term `customer relationship management’


| Diane Cyr

Right here,” says Will Lansing, president of Fingerhut Cos., “we have the look and feel of the new Fingerhut.” He’s holding up a 1999 Spring Big Book.