Jeff Morris

Brave New Supermarket

| Jeff Morris

THE LAST TIME I SAW something called a Future Store, it was an A&P that had been renovated into what was supposed to be a prototype for A&Ps to come though

Quality, Uncontrolled

| Jeff Morris

Call centers are using and will continue to use, in increasing numbers voice recording systems to monitor agent quality. But these applications are not

Do It Yourself? No, Thanks!

| Jeff Morris

Are manufacturers doing less now, and enjoying it more? It seems so, judging from the latest annual research conducted by New York-based Accenture (

As Good as It Gets

| Jeff Morris

Let’s say you’re in the market for a computer and walk into a Best Buy, Circuit City, or Office Depot store. Chances are, you’ll find the most popular

This Wizard Isn’t Named Harry

| Jeff Morris

ANYONE FAMILIAR WITH a certain (rather popular) series of books will recall the magical map that figures prominently in several of them. It shows not