Justin Marshall

[email protected]

Justin is Chief Growth Officer of Netrush, an ecommerce accelerator focused on driving growth for brands on digital marketplaces like Amazon and Walmart. Previously to Netrush, he held executive positions within WPP. Justin started in customer experience design, and had lead roles at global agencies like Wunderman Thompson and POSSIBLE. His experience has given him a unique perspective on business growth processes and where they fit within the ever-changing digital ecosystem. Justin’s writing has appeared in publications like Adweek and PSFK, and he’s contributed in regular eMarketer reports and at events hosted by Social Media Week, Twitter and Silicon Slopes.

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Back to Ecommerce Basics: Shattering the Endless Shelf

| Justin Marshall

In ecommerce, we formerly used revenue, market share and similar metrics to gauge success. But if customer experience is going to be the touchstone of success, customer lifetime value (CLV), or the amount a brand can expect from any given customer over time, should be our guiding principle.