Kirsty Tull

[email protected]

United Kingdom, UK, cross-border selling, cross-border ecommerce, global ecommerce, Growing Global, retail, online retail, brands, product returns, returns policy, EU, European Union, England, Great Britain, operations and fulfillment, shipping/delivery

How to Avoid a Dip in International Sales Post-Brexit

| Kirsty Tull

If your business depends heavily on sales into the UK and EU, you will need to focus on providing additional value, reducing costs and selling into other markets to compensate for the likely decline in spending. Here are some tips to help you do just that.

3 Ways to Build Customer Trust and Loyalty in 2016

| Kirsty Tull

While digital consumers are enamoured with the convenience of mobile shopping, analysts are finding that they’re also concerned about some aspects of the ecommerce experience. Here are three ways to build customer trust and loyalty this year.

ecommerce fraud

What Merchants Need to Know About Affiliate Fraud

| Kirsty Tull

As with ecommerce in general, merchants who prioritize fraud prevention and detection will benefit the most from affiliate marketing relationships, while those who don’t do their research are putting their revenue stream, reputation and banking relationships at risk.