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How to Make Your Packaging Products Reorder-friendly

| MCM staff

In marketing, emphasis is often placed on the initial efforts to get a customer interested in a product or service. This is a natural part of the sales cycle, of course, but it tends to overshadow the very important aspect of repeat business and the contribution it makes to overall success. Here’s why giving your customers the tools to easily return and purchase additional units of what your business offers is actually just as important as the advertising that brought them to you in the first place.

How to Dominate the First 100 Days in a Foreign Market

| MCM staff

Expanding into new regions is an essential growth strategy for many B2B companies, but it’s not easy to get it right. There are many factors to consider, from finding the right skills to getting your marketing activities aligned to local cultures and customer needs. This infographic from Marketo will help guide you through your priorities in the first 100 days of your international market expansion.

How Mobile Devices Change Consumer Shopping Behavior

| MCM staff

According to research by Yesmail Interactive, smartphone and tablet owners are more compelled to shop online than people who don’t own mobile devices. Yesmail’s research shows that 42.9% of mobile device owners shop online at least once per month, versus 32.6% of people without mobile devices. Check out the infographic below to see more findings from Yesmail’s research.

Belk’s 5 Observations on the Journey to Retail Revolution

| MCM staff

In this video from the National Retail Federation, Belk Chairman and CEO Thomas Belk Jr offered attendees at NRF Annual Convention & EXPO in New York five observations, not all lessons learned, but honest admissions and tips that any retailer – whether ahead of the curve in the digital revolution or still catching up – can appreciate.

Search and Deploy: The B2B Marketing Trends of 2012

| MCM staff

The digital marketing landscape has drastically shifted in the last year, and therefore so have online marketing strategies. Optfiy’s infographic on B2B online marketing trends in 2012 includes findings from its research around Google’s search market share, Google’s “Not Provided” update, trends in paid search, traffic and leads from social media, and more.

Intelligrated CEO Says Multichannel Retail Drives Distribution and Fulfillment Evolution

| MCM staff

In a video blog from ProMat 2013, Intelligrated CEO Chris Cole reflects on conversations on the show floor. Key topics of discussion include the impact of multichannel retail on distribution and fulfillment operations and continued focus on upgrading aging equipment for increased productivity.

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