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Video: Shopatron Head Favors Online Sales Tax Collection

| MCM staff

Earlier this month, Ed Stevens, founder/CEO of order management system provider Shopatron, came out in favor of AB 155. We caught up with Stevens at IRCE 2010 in San Diego on June 15. In the following video, Stevens explains why he believes out of state merchants need to ante up to help California, and why he thinks other states need to pass the same type of legislation.

UPS, Forrester Research Reveals Free Shipping Trends

| MCM staff

Parcel delivery giant UPS commissioned Forrester Research to do a study on retailers and free shipping offers. Forrester Research principal analyst Sucharita Mulpuru and UPS marketing manager Kiel Harkness released their findings last week at IRCE 2011. Here are the five key findings of the report.

Gender-based Retargeting Works for Karmaloop

| MCM staff

Gender-based ads are two times more effective than gender neutral ads at driving traffic back to online streetwear retailer Karmaloop’s ecommerce site, according to a test conducted by retargeting firm MediaForge. What’s more, MediaForge found out that that men were much more likely to return to the site to purchase than women.

Traffic Driver: L.L. Bean

| MCM staff

SILVER: Catalog Channel L.L. Bean, Holiday Web 2010 You might think that a venerable, old-school brand like L.L. Bean would be a laggard when it comes