8 Reasons to Keep Your Customers Loyal
With so much emphasis on ROI these days, it can be easy to lose sight of just why you’re in business—to serve customers. Here are eight benefits that loyal customers bring to your business.
With so much emphasis on ROI these days, it can be easy to lose sight of just why you’re in business—to serve customers. Here are eight benefits that loyal customers bring to your business.
Sophisticated technology is a key feature that differentiates the modern contact center from the traditional call center. Pseudowire technology, a breakthrough
The more things change on the front end dazzling new merchandise, cool Websites, innovative marketing campaigns the more they stay the same on the back
Every year the Georgia Institute of Technology, along with several corporate sponsors, conducts an in-depth study of the third-party logistics (3PL) industry
The right staff Coping with chronic absenteeism or apathy among your warehouse employees? It could be that they’re simply not the right people for the
We take contact center outsourcing almost for granted these days, but the process is far more complex than it seems at first glance. Elizabeth Herrell,
Logistics is hardly the stuff of controversy, but a session on logistics costs at this year’s meeting of the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals
In retail, most of your business comes from regulars
The distribution and logistics industry is steadily improving its customer service, according to a new study from The Customer Respect Group, an international research and consulting firm. The survey assigns a Customer Respect Index (CRI) rating for each company. The CRI measures a customer’s experience when interacting with companies over the Internet.
You may be preoccupied with family and friends this holiday season, but don