How Do Your Merchant Operations Metrics Measure Up?

In January after coming out of the rush of the holiday peak season, here’s a great way to augment your post mortem and planning for 2017: Benchmark your company’s key performance metrics against other leading B2C multichannel merchants to improve costs, productivity and service levels.

In an exclusive joint project, Multichannel Merchant and F. Curtis Barry & Company have teamed up to develop an industry benchmarking report that will focus on key performance metrics and costs across fulfillment center, contact center and inventory management. This research will be developed in cooperation with executives from leading multichannel companies of all sizes.

The results of this exclusive research project will be presented and discussed on March 28, 2017 at the Executive Operations Forum at Operations Summit. Only those companies providing data to the benchmarking survey will receive the detailed, by-company benchmarking report. Nothing needs to be done until after Jan. 1 and survey data collection will remain open until Tuesday, Jan. 31.

high performance meter

F. Curtis Barry & Company has been benchmarking with hundreds of multichannel companies since 1996. Having the opportunity to benchmark against other companies will help you determine where you need to focus your effort and investments to reach and exceed customer expectations. All data will be on a blind basis and not identified by company name. You can take the survey here, and it can be shared by those in other functional areas within your organization.

There are 68 merchant operations metrics that will be examined and analyzed in the study – here are a few to give you an idea:

  • Fulfillment cost per order including all major expenses; fulfillment expenses as a percentage of net sales; outbound shipping costs as a percentage of net sales
  • Contact center cost per order including all major expenses; contact center expenses as a percent of net sales
  • Starting hourly wages in fulfillment center and contact center
  • For inventory management, orders shipped complete daily (initial order fill rate); inventory turnover rate; cost of backorders; weeks of supply
  • Key metrics used in contact center and fulfillment including error rates and percentage of orders shipped daily without carryover

During the Executive Operations Forum, you will have the opportunity to learn about best practices that are improving performance, reducing costs and raising the bar on customer service.

All Executive Operations Forum participants who take part in the benchmarking will receive:

  • A detailed analysis report of the Operations Benchmarking research across fulfillment center, contact center and inventory management
  • Access to executives from F. Curtis Barry & Company and peers to discuss specifics of the research and how your business compares

There is no extra cost, but only one person per company is allowed – and you must be the top operations or C-level executive in your DTC merchant organization in order to participate.

When you register for the Operations Summit – and there is an added discount if you do so by today – check that you want your company to be part of the benchmarking study. I am available to talk about the data and reporting and answer any questions you may have. You can contact me at (804) 814-8168 or email me at for more details. We can also forward you the link to the survey form.

This is a great opportunity to compare and understand how your contact center, fulfillment and inventory management operations measure up to those of other multichannel companies.

Curt Barry is president of F. Curtis Barry & Company

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