Breach Could Spell Real Trouble for CurrentC

| Tim Parry

Just eight weeks after it announced a private pilot mode launch of its customer-centric and secure mobile payment solution, CurrentC, the Merchant Customer Exchange announced its email database has been hacked. So what does this mean for CurrentC?

The Truth About Chip & PIN Technology

| Andreas Baumhof

For retailers and card providers, there are several important issues to consider regarding “chip & PIN” EMV technology ahead of the October 2015 deadline. By taking steps now to improve online security, retailers and card providers can ensure that online customer data is protected and avoid dangerous fraudsters and hackers that can potentially ruin brand loyalty and sales down the road.

eBay Hacked – Users Asked to Change Passwords

| Tim Parry

The database, which was compromised between late February and early March, included eBay customers’ name, encrypted password, email address, physical address, phone number and date of birth. However, the database did not contain financial information or other confidential personal information.

Target, Target Canada, ecommerce, store closings, Canadian retail market, Zellers

Target to Incorporate Chip-and-PIN REDcards

| Tim Parry

Beginning in early 2015, the entire REDcard portfolio will be enabled with MasterCard’s chip-and-PIN solution. Existing co-branded cards will be reissued as MasterCard co-branded chip-and-PIN cards.