Reconciling CACTUS Data

| MCM staff

When a computer reseller wanted to round out a catalog mailing last year, the analysis group director told the analyst to include the ship-to contacts without holding the mailing up for hygiene or merge/purge. The director did not realize that in the company’s recently merged SAP system the sold-to account information was often used to create a shipping label.

A Clean B-to-B Database Reaps Almost Instant ROI

| MCM staff

Building and maintaining your business-to-business house file can be daunting, says Bernie Goldberg, president of Yardley, PA-based Direct Marketing Publishers. The problem is often compounded by the use of different databases throughout the business. These multiple databases frequently have no common link, making it all but impossible to exchange information among departments.

Annual Net Income Increases 50% at Jos. A. Bank

| MCM staff

Hampstead, MD-based cataloger/retailer Jos. A. Bank Clothiers (Nasdaq NM:JOSB) said annual net income increased 50% to $24.5 million for the year ended Jan. 29, compared with $16.3 million in net income last year.


| Sherry Chiger

Nowhere is the effect of the Internet on the industry clearer than when looking at how orders are received. The respondents to this year’s Catalog Age

The latest matchback tools

| Mark Del Franco

By now most multichannel merchants know about matchbacks and the importance of understanding where online and retail buyers are coming from rather than

A hire authority

| Liz Kislik

Hiring the right person is the first step to successful employee retention. So although the day-to-day challenges and crises of running your business

Hardly a gangbuster quarter

| Mark Del Franco

Half of the 14 publicly traded business-to-business and computer merchants tracked by Catalog Age ended 2004 with a stronger fourth-quarter bottom line

Cable Access

| Mark Del Franco

Will The Garnet Hill Hour be sandwiched between Rug Gallery and Gold Wardrobing on cable-TV shopping network HSN’s prime-time schedule? Perhaps, once