Steady demand, stable prices

| Eric Edelmann

Catalog paper buyers went on a spree last year, buying 9% more paper than they had the year before, far exceeding expectations. The reason? Catalogers

81% fewer delivery problems

| Mark Del Franco

Amid concerns regarding consumer confidence and spending, catalogers can at least be thankful that Standard A catalog delivery has improved since last

Inquiring minds want to buy

| MCM staff

Catalog creative consultants always proclaim that “b-to-b doesn’t have to be boring,” yet few business mailers support their claim. But ice chest manufacturer

Adapting to foreign list hygiene

| MCM staff

Many catalogers hope to go global, but that goal requires keeping on top of local legal restrictions, mailing regulations, and merge/purge rules. These

Bargains abroad

| Lynn Dougherty

Catalogers in the U.S. are enjoying at least one beneficial side effect from Asia’s economic ills: better prices on imports. But even as product costs

Mining new niches

| Shannon Oberndorf

Amid the storm of catalog mergers and acquisitions, one mailer is opting to grow from within. Concepts Direct, which produces the Colorful Images catalog

Wolferman’s spices up its brand

| MCM staff

Having a 110-year-old brand name goes a long way in the catalog world. But sometimes history just isn’t enough. So last fall, food cataloger Wolferman’s

The Web requester database edge

| MCM staff

Catalogers, like many other types of businesses today, are flocking to the Web, lured by the relatively low cost of entry for this new distribution channel,

Missing out on school uniform sales

| MCM staff

New market opportunities don’t come along every day. Yet one that’s been available for more than a year isn’t drawing many takers. The market is students