Deloitte Consumer Spending Index Retreats

| MCM staff

After nearly a year of steady gains, the Deloitte Consumer Spending Index fell in November due to a slowdown in the rise of new home prices and an accelerating decline in real wages. The Index tracks consumer cash flow as an indicator of future consumer spending.

ComScore: Green Monday Spending Jumps 13%

| MCM staff

Green Monday (Dec. 10) reached $1.275 billion in spending, up 13 percent vs. last year and ranking as the third heaviest online spending day for the season-to-date after Cyber Monday ($1.465 billion) and Tuesday, Dec. 4 ($1.362 billion), according to figures released by online measurement service comScore.

Harris Poll Shows Best Buy and Walmart are Most Showroomed

| MCM staff

When showroomers are asked to name the online retailer they most frequently purchase from after visiting a brick and mortar store, Amazon (57%) is the dominant response; the online mega-retailer is mentioned by the majority of showroomers, at more than a 10:1 ratio over the next strongest mentions (eBay and Walmart, at 5% each). Other online retailers mentioned by over 1% of showroomers include Best Buy (3%), Target, Lowe’s and Home Depot (2% each).
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Holiday Shoppers Spent $26.6 Billion Online

| MCM staff

Online shoppers have spent $26.6 billion to date this holiday season, according to comScore, marking a 13% increase versus the corresponding days last year. The most recent week saw three individual days eclipse $1 billion in spending

Acquity Group Expands Canadian Presence

| MCM staff

Acquity Group, a Brand eCommerce and digital marketing company, has announced that it will be opening a Toronto, Canada office to help boost business development in North America.

ComScore Says Online Holiday Spending Up 14%

| MCM staff

For the holiday season-to-date $21.4 billion has been spent online, marking a 14-percent increase versus the corresponding days last year. The most recent week saw three individual days eclipse $1 billion in spending, led by Cyber Monday, which became the heaviest online spending day on record at $1.46 billion.