Live from NCOF: Tips for Effective Incentive Programs

| Mark Del Franco

Schaumburg, IL–The good news about incentive programs is that they work. According to Rick Blabolil, president of consultancy Marketing Innovators and a presenter at NCOF on Tuesday, an effectively structured incentive program can increase performance 44% in teams and 25% with individuals.

How Much for That Salmonella?

| Sherry Chiger

Last week I did something I thought I’d never do: I paid more for shipping an item than I did for the item itself. The Giant Microbes Salmonella from

Revival Animal Is Now for the Birds

| MCM staff

Pet supplies cataloger Revival Animal Health is expanding its presence in the bird market. It acquired Great Companions, a cataloger specializing in supplies for pet birds, on March 29. Revival expects the acquisition to boost its revenue by 10%.