Growing Global 2015,, Tmall, Taobao, ecommerce, global ecommerce, cross-border ecommerce

Alibaba Group and New Zealand Government Form Trade Alliance

| MCM Staff

Alibaba Group, an online and mobile marketplace, and New Zealand Trade and Enterprise, the New Zealand Government’s international business development agency, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to formalize discussions for strengthening trade between China and New Zealand and support the growth of New Zealand brands in China. See what this means for the marketplace and how it will impact New Zealand and China.

Sport Chalet

Vestis Retail Group is Shuttering Sports Chalet

| Tim Parry

Vestis Retail Group bought Sports Chalet in June 2014. Today, it announced it will knock Sports Chalet down and focus on Vestis’s other two regional merchants, Eastern Mountain Sports and Bob’s Stores.

SkuTouch Solutions Launches US Direct Express

| Tim Parry

For about a decade, SkuTouch Solutions has been helping international merchants and brands sell their products in the U.S. This week at Growing Global 2016, SkuTouch President Doug Obershaw announced its new division, US Direct Express, which plans to do just the opposite – help U.S.-based merchants become cross-border sellers.

2015 Was a Big Year for MercadoLibre

| Tim Parry

MercadoLibre said there were 128.4 million items sold through the marketplace in 2015, a growth of 26.8% year-over-year, resulting in a gross merchandise volume of $7.2 billion. Consolidated net revenues for the full year were $651.8 million, a 17.1% increase year-over-year.

Locus Robotics

Locus Robotics Looks to Fill Market Gap Left by Kiva

| Mike O'Brien

Locus Robotics, a company spun out of third-party logistics provider Quiet Logistics, has begun production and implementation of a DC-based order fulfillment robot which it sees as a next logical step beyond Kiva. The company’s executives claim its robots can be deployed a few at a time without major facility retrofitting, and will eventually be used in stores as well as DCs.