Thank You for Registering

| Jasmine Brown

How to Survive Rising Shipping Costs and Still Boost Customer Satisfaction You have successfully registered for the webinar and will shortly receive your email confirmation with all your login information. … Continue Reading →

China, chinese shopping, chinese ecommerce, chinese market, global, global ecommerce, Growing Global, ecommerce, buying online, online marketplace, Marketplaces,, Taobao, Shipping/Delivery, shipping, logistics

More than One-Third of Chinese Online Shoppers Now Buying Cross-Border

| MCM Staff

Amidst a year of market-moving news coming out of China, no shortage of attention has been paid to its growing consumer class’ buying power as more enter the global online ecommerce market. PayPal and Ipsos released the findings of their second global cross-border commerce report, which investigated the online and cross-border shopping habits of more than 23,200 consumers in 29 countries, and reveals new opportunities for merchants to expand their international sales.

Week in Review: Holiday Faux Pas Aplenty

| MCM Staff

This past week, there have been three separate instances of retail brands who ran into social media blowback as a result of some type of faux paus or protest over moves tied to holiday shopping.