Study: Southerners more likely to register a complaint

| MCM staff

According to a recent Customer Experience Impact Report by Harris Interactive on bad call experiences 80% of customers will go to competitors after a bad call–up from 68% in 2006. But an interesting breakdown in the report was the bad call experiences by geographic regions and the behavior associated with geography.

Optimizing the Customer Experience

| Kathleen Peterson

A recent survey published in USA Today, indicates that 45% of customers identify customer service as the biggest influence on remaining loyal to a company. Clearly customers will stop doing business with companies due to the quality of the experience.

9 Quick Tips For Being an Employer of Choice

| MCM staff

Does your contact center have what it takes to be the employer of choice in your area?
Kathryn Jackson, founder of Ocean City, NJ-based Response Design Corp. lists just some of the must-haves to attract the best contact center candidates


| Liz Kislik

Why put yourself through the agony of giving performance feedback when 1) the problem really isn’t very bad, 2) she’s probably not going to change anyway,

3 Ways E-learning Pays

| MCM staff

Once thought to be too expensive for the call center, e-learning is hot. Through the Web, E-learning allows your customer service reps to brush up on customer service skills or training between calls and shifts. This is the first in a three-part series on the value of e-learning.

5 Steps to Disaster-Proofing your Contact Center

| Gary A. Pudles

Contact centers have become the arteries of organizations, enabling customer care, retention, inbound and outbound sales, fundraising and donations, and direct response. So before a disaster threatens or strikes, take effective measures to protect your centers and the services they provide.


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