Get Vocal about Self-Service

| MCM staff

The world has lost patience with poorly designed self-service solutions. But you need automation to handle growing call volumes and to provide 24-hour

First Person: Managing an “Essential” Website Overhaul

| MCM staff

As a principal consultant with Latitude Associates, I was the project manager for the recent upgrade of the American Chemistry Council (ACC) Website. Certainly Website upgrades are nothing new, nor are they always newsworthy. But I thought this case study was worth sharing in part because of the dramatic increase in orders received by the ACC online store

A Crash Course in VoIP

| Sid Rao

Voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) has quickly infiltrated the telecommunications industry, helping small and midsize businesses to save money and increase productivity. Once a business decides to implement VoIP technology, however, it has additional decisions to make regarding the type of VoIP solution that will best meet its needs

Teaching Supervisors Self-Management

| Liz Kislik

If self-management is so important, though, what can a manager do to help develop an inexperienced supervisor? In other words, can you help others learn to manage themselves so that they can go on to manage others? Remarkably, you can. The techniques you

Training Champions

| Michael Droske

One of the most difficult jobs in the world today is that of a front-line supervisor. Front-line supervisors face considerable challenges each and every day