opinion & response

| MCM staff

Duluth Trading Co. Gets Plumbers Off Crack At one time or another, we’ve all been exposed to Plumber’s Crack the pants’ sag that exposes too much of a

opinion & response

| MCM staff

A&F Raises Ire of WV Governor Apparel marketer Abercrombie & Fitch may have done away with its saucy A&F Quarterly (the magalog that frequently irked

Accent Grave

| Jeff Morris

Hello! My name is Kelly. I very much wanting to be help you. If that sounds familiar, and if your first thought on hearing it is, Yeah, right if your

opinion & response

| MCM staff

Quote Clarification While I enjoyed Mark Del Franco’s article on list exchanges (The Dos and Don’ts of List Exchanges, Aug. 1), I have to take issue with

Transplanting the Contact Center

| MCM staff

In June 2003, Gardener’s Supply Company (GSC) celebrated its twentieth year in business by deciding to remodel its corporate headquarters in Burlington,

opinion & response

| MCM staff

Military Mailer Supports Our Troops Whether you’re in favor of or opposed to the war in Iraq, most people try to be supportive of the U.S. soldiers serving

opinion & response

| MCM staff

Getting All Political on Us While I generally appreciate and certainly learn much from my subscription to Catalog Age, I wanted to bring to your attention

opinion & response

| MCM staff

Praise to Pass Along I enjoy reading every issue of my Catalog Age cover to cover. With each issue, I find myself ripping out articles to pass on to co-workers,

Survey: Website Function, Design Need Work

| MCM staff

Online marketers still have room for improvement when it comes to satisfying customers. According to the most recent Catalog Online Co-op Survey from Peterborough, NH-based list and marketing services firm Millard Group, only 55% of respondents said they