VTEX Commerce Cloud Software

  • Address:
    4000 Hollywood Blvd
    Suite 555-S
    Hollywood, FL 33021
  • Website: http://en.vtex.com
  • Contact: Alexandre Soncini
Customer Information:
Total number of supported installations: 2000
Total number of installations on current version: 2000
Average number of orders processed per day (all customers): 44,000
Average size of customer by revenue: $$1,500,000
Average SKU count (all customers): 5,000,000
Percentage of primarily B2B customers: around 5%
Percentage of primarily B2C customers: around 85%
Percentage of hybrid customers: around 10%
Percentage of U.S. vs. international customers: less then 5%
Percentage of customers doing at least 15% retail: around 90%
Percentage of customers that are primarily ecommerce:  around 10%
Percentage of customers that are omnichannel:  around 50%System Information (General):
Is your solution hosted?  Yes
Is it cloud-based, installed or both? Cloud-based
Full off-the-shelf solution or customization required? Backend is COTS and Frontend customizableSystem Features:
Integrated shopping cart: Yes
Integrated accounting module: No, but integrated with QuickBooks and similar
Support for realtime web order import: Yes
Support for personalized offers: Yes
Support for continuity fulfillment: Yes

Support for auto replenishment: Yes
Support for instore pickup: Yes
Support for ship from store: Yes
Support for ship to store: Yes
Built-in OMS functionality: Yes
Integration with OMS: Yes
Integration with WMS: Yes
Integration with WCS: Yes
Integration with CRM: Yes
Shared database for web, call center, stores: Yes
Mobile app: Yes
Built with responsive/adaptive design?: Yes
Third-party site feeds (marketplaces): Yes
Displays all sizes/colors for each SKU in order entry: Yes
Fulfillment functionality: Yes
Supports single view of inventory across all sources (DCs, stores, marketplaces, vendors, etc.): Yes
Support for international currencies: Yes
Support for payment platforms (PayPal, Apple Pay, etc.): Yes
Support for non-U.S. addresses: Yes

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