4 Ways to Fix the Mobile Shopping Experience

Proceed with caution with responsive design

original-penguin-burkeThe premise of responsive design is that a single base of code can serve multiple touchpoints by detecting the device and browser used and changing the layout and functionality accordingly — promising merchants a streamlined process for updates and maintenance.

But while sophisticated use of code can resize, rearrange and even add or omit elements on the page, it can be difficult to create a truly device-specific experience that meets or exceeds shoppers’ expectations. And nowhere is such tailoring needed more than in checkout, where every pixel of screen real estate is crucial to the task of helping shoppers complete their purchases.

The responsive-design Web site for Perry Ellis brand Original Penguin imperfectly translates the first step of checkout, where shoppers either log in or proceed as a guest; the “view navigation” heading is overpowering, while the guest checkout option — which should be most prominent — is easily overlooked.