Show of hands: How many of you would say that more of your business continues to shift to the Web each year?
Yeah, a lot of our audience is moving to the online channel too. And while that doesn’t make the print product any less important, it makes the Website quite important.
That’s why two months after unveiling our print redesign, we’ve undergone a major overhaul of our site. The new-and-improved will now feature videos, blogs, forums and content such as Webinars, white papers, case histories and how-to articles. And of course, we’ll be posting news as it breaks, as we always have.
What’s more, will be part of the Chief Marketer network of sites, which includes the new Websites of our sister publications Direct and Promo. Chief Marketer is the general marketing one-stop site of our parent company, Penton Business Media. It covers all disciplines, from creative and branding to metrics and analysis.
What’s in it for you? More bang for your buck: There’s a lot of marketing expertise in the Chief Marketer family, and it’s high time we exploited this knowledge and shared it across titles — which have more in common than you might think. It also means we will be able to communicate with you faster and more frequently, whether it’s through blog posts, industry forums or podcasts.
I admit that some of these new mediums may take some getting used to. (I’m an old-school print journalist — what do I know from video podcasts?)
But the technology is there, and it can help us all enhance our relationships with customers and build our businesses.
In fact, many of you are way ahead of us in embracing Website bells and whistles. So feel free to offer any advice, or share your successes and failures; we’ll do the same.
We’re scheduled to go live with the new Website Oct. 3. As always, let me know what you think.