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THE POSTAL SERVICE IN MEXICO ISN’T KNOWN FOR ITS SERVICE. Now perhaps it will be known for the pink and lime-green uniforms workers began wearing last month as part of a major makeover. The visored caps and colorful shirts look more like something jockeys would wear what than postal workers wear, but at least they’ll match the decor: All 1,450 post offices in Mexico will be painted with the new colors as well. We presume improved service is also part of the overhaul, as the Mexican postal system is notorious for losing packages and late delivery. If it doesn’t step up the service and security, all the pink preening is like, to use a newly popular phrase, putting lipstick on a pig.


MULTICHANNEL MERCHANT IN MID-SEPTEMBER RECEIVED NOT ONE, NOT TWO, BUT THREE CATALOGS from garden bulb specialist John Scheepers on the same day. What’s more, two of the books were both titled Beauty From Bulbs Fall 2008, although one was a slim-jim and the other was a full-size book. List hygiene issues notwithstanding, we wondered if the company was testing a move to a slim-jim. Actually, says president Jo-Anne van den Berg-Ohms, “the smaller book used to be digest size and we upgraded to a slim-jim this year.” The company made some adjustments in trim size and basis weight after last year’s whopping postal increase, to pave the way for comailing opportunities. Scheepers is still reeling from the postal rate hike, like many catalogers. “We were appalled at the lack of advance warning” regarding the 2007 increase, van den Berg-Ohms says. “It was quite objectionable.” Based on what we’ve been hearing from mailers in the past 18 months, that’s putting it kindly.