How to Make Your Web Data Actionable

As web analytics gains momentum, the question remains, “How do we make it actionable?”

Getting more Web data but don’t know what to do with it? You can figure it out with analytics.

Every marketer wants actionable data. And it’s there for the taking—if you integrate your marketing/web analytics and move beyond mere traffic analysis.

So where do you start? In its white paper, “Impactful E-mail Marketing,” Bronto Software says a highly successful strategy is to use web analytics for gauging the effective­ness of your e-mail marketing initiatives and determining optimization tactics to improve your overall campaign performance.

Here’s four things you can do with your data to help make it actionable, according to Bronto Software:

1. Consider segmenting your opt-in audience to create campaigns based on their current visitor history and create dynamic content based on the products viewed or pages visited.

2. Analyze your form abandonment to determine where you are missing opportunities to increase your conversion rate. Is there a specific field that is causing the majority of your abandonment? If so, is this a field that could easily be removed to grab additional low hanging fruit?

3. Are there popular paths that you haven’t incorporated into your e-mail marketing campaigns? Do many of your visitors travel from one specific path and yet you don’t include those links in your campaigns?

4. Review how your offline and online channels work together.