MULTICHANNELMERCHANT.COM is the only website covering the entire multichannel business. Featuring current articles, links to Multichannel Merchant’s enewsletters, original research and a wealth of industry resources, is the most comprehensive online information source for senior-level management who sell, market and fufill across multiple channels.
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ListFinder Sponsorships
The DIRECT and MULTICHANNEL MERCHANT ListFinder™ list research system enables marketers and list professionals to quickly find responsive lists. ListFinder’s database of more than 50,000 data cards is updated daily and represents virtually all lists on the market, including postal, email, telephone, and insert media. ListFinder’s powerful and easy-to-use search engine provides relevance-ranked results and advanced options to pinpoint lists that will produce the best results. Click here or contact your sales representatives for more information.
Multichannel Merchant Weekly Enewsletter
The must-read weekly enewsletter that provides the latest industry news and intelligence—mergers, launches, trends, legal & postal issues, and more. High-visibility, actionable sponsorships send executives clicking for more information and make your message STAND OUT in the one news source they need to stay ahead. MULTICHANNEL MERCHANT WEEKLY’S 22,000+ subscribers include decision-drivers in all areas of multichannel operations: marketing, e-commerce, list selection, management, technology and more. And it penetrates top consumer and B2B catalogers, online merchants, manufacturers and other multichannel marketers.
O+F Advisor Enewsletter
Targeting more than 30,000 operations and fulfillment professionals this weekly enewsletter provides the latest research, case studies and analysis in a quick, practical and easy-to-read format; as well as expert strategic advice and practical techniques to improve efficiencies, productivity, cost savings and top-notch customer service.
Magilla Marketing Enewsletter
A weekly enewsletter, edited by Ken Magill, that gives the Blunt Truth on Everything E-mail. Each issue provides case studies, benchmark-metrics pieces and news stories that help marketers stay on top of important issues, improve campaign deliver ability and increase customer retention.