If implemented effectively, omnichannel solutions like ship-from-store and in-store pick up, can produce 2% to 20% incremental chain sales.
The key to success is not just technology, but accurate inventory allocation, intelligent order routing, in-store operations execution, and change management.
“Every retailer wants to increase chain sales and ultimately increase profitability,” said Tom Barone, interim head of omnichannel operations, for eBay Enterprises, who will speak about the subject at Operations Summit.
Barone said using a cross-chain fulfillment model by leveraging fulfillment centers and physical stores, including ship-from-store and in-store pickup, enables retailers to save sales that might otherwise be lost to stock-outs online; increase margin on items that are nearing markdown by offering them online.
He said an increase of inventory turns drives down cost all the while improving consumer satisfaction with more product availability, fast delivery and channel choice.
Barone will talk about the key business criteria and the best practices for implementing ship-from-store and in-store pickup. Attendees will learn what to expect, how to plan and execute and lessons learned from a retailer who has successfully implemented omnichannel strategies.
Attendees will learn about distributing inventory across the chain and use intelligent order routing to drive sales and operational efficiency. They will learn to address the most common obstacles faced by retailers who seek to launch omnichannel initiatives and the benchmarks for success.
Operations Summit 2014 will be held in Indianapolis April 22-24.