Biggest Online Spenders Are in the Northeast

Consumers in the Northeast region of the country outspend their counterparts in the rest of the U.S. when it comes to buying clothing online. According to a survey of 1,000 adults by online comparison shopping site, online shoppers in the Northeast spent an average of $206 on clothing between Jan. 1 and April 1. In comparison, Southerners spent an average of $185, Westerners $161, and Midwesterners $155.

Nearly one in four respondents (23%) purchased computer equipment online during the first quarter of 2005. One in five bought video gaming systems and games, the same percentage that purchased audio equipment such as iPods, MP3 players, and home theater systems. Men dominated electronic purchases, but both men and women preferred to consult a friend or family member before making a purchase. Additionally, men were more prone to visit the retailer’s Website and comparison sites before making a purchase.

And here’s encouraging news for smaller merchants: 60% of respondents said they don’t prefer buying apparel from the Websites of large retail chains over those of smaller players, and vice versa. Twenty-six percent purchased apparel from large chain retailers; 14% preferred to shop with smaller, independent retailers.