Country Curtains Cofounder Fitzpatrick Dies

John “Jack’’ Fitzpatrick, who cofounded Country Curtains with his wife, Jane, died July 23 at age 88. The Fitzpatricks started the country’s first specialty curtain catalog and were considered pioneers and role models in the mail order industry.

Country Curtains was hatched from the Fitzpatricks’ dining-room table in 1956. Jane drew the catalog artwork and Jack wrote the copy. To promote the company, in April 1956 they placed an ad in the Boston Sunday Herald selling ruffled, unbleached muslin curtains.

Stockbridge, MA-based Country Curtains has since expanded its product line to include bedding, pillows, and home accents sold through its catalog, website, and 26 retail stores. In addition to Country Curtains, the Fitzpatricks owned the Massachusetts country inns Blantyre and The Red Lion Inn.

Jack Fitzpatrick, a World War II veteran, was also a state senator (R-MA) who served four terms in the 1970s. In addition to his wife of nearly 67 years and his two daughters, Nancy and Ann, he is survived by two grandsons and a large extended family.

View the memorial page on the website.

View the obituary write-up on the website.