We recently came across a press release about a Web cataloger promoting a recent photo shoot for its fall/holiday merchandise. Why would a merchant feel the need to boast about the shoot’s location?
Well, the etailer is Crossdresser.com, a site we’d never heard of, but it offers high-quality transvestite apparel at budget-conscious prices. The line of clothing and accessories is designed and manufactured to fit men by parent company Suddenly Fem.
Publicizing the fact that it gets out of the photo studio and goes on location may be this cross dresser’s superstore’s way of getting out of the closet, if you will: The cross-dressing community is still underground in most markets.
The niche marketer regularly shoots some of the East Coast’s most elegant mansions, the release says. This year’s location is a 250-year-old Victorian estate on 18 riverfront acres, which offers sweeping grand staircases, fabulous ballrooms, parquet floors, Oriental rugs, and stained-glass ceiling windows.
The release didn’t say where the mansion is — perhaps the home’s owner wants to keep it on the down low. We guess cross dressing is not yet so mainstream that owners of fancy estates are comfortable admitting their property was the backdrop for a transvestite fashion shoot.