Most Web catalogers are opting in to offering opt-outs. According to the new E-Commerce Industry Report 2001-2002 from the Direct Marketing Association, nearly all respondents (96%) said they provide their customers the ability to opt-out of future e-mail offers. When prospecting, most respondents (60%) said they do not rent third-party e-mail lists or send non-targeted e-mail to prospects (74%).
Among other key report findings: · The majority of Web marketers maintain an in-house e-mail list.
· Business-to-business marketers have a higher percent of e-mail addresses and in house e-mail lists (a mean of 63.8% compared to only 37.8% for consumer marketers).
· Sixty-four percent of respondents reported they clean their e-mail lists anywhere from several times a month to 1-3 months, and 65% clean their postal mailing lists with the same frequency.
· B-to-b marketers are more likely to clean their e-mail files several times a month (38%, compared to 20% of consumer Web marketers ).
· Small companies clean their e-mail lists more often (58% clean their lists several times a month or on a monthly basis). Fifty-threepercent of large companies indicated they clean their in house lists several times a month or on a monthly basis.