Home Depot Launches Online Gift Registry

Betting that many of today’s brides-to-be would rather register for bathtubs than bath towels, Home Depot has launched a home improvement online gift registry service.

The service, which offers 9,000 items, including the Home Depot gift card, is not just for newlyweds, of course. But the online registry is designed to be easy for brides and grooms to see what items have been bought and make necessary updates or changes to the wish list following showers and other pre-wedding celebrations. Users can also search for gift recommendations by price, occasion, or category.

The Atlanta-based hardware retail giant is stepping up its multichannel marketing initiatives to appeal to gift givers as well as home improvers. Last fall, the company retooled its Website and mailed 5 million copies of a 68-page holiday catalog. The company also owns Maintenance Warehouse, a cataloger of commercial building maintenance supplies.