Leverage Big Data to Transform Your Email Marketing Program


To optimize customer and prospect experiences, today’s marketers must effectively leverage the massive amount of data at their fingertips.

On the prospect side, there should be a strong emphasis on data collection and urgency of initial response. On the customer side, marketers must be thinking about data augmentation, retention and repeat purchase. Often, though, a lack of direct access to the data you’ve collected or simply feeling overwhelmed can prevent marketers from taking quick action to attract and retain engaged customers.

Quickly tapping into customer data and making it actionable at any point in the buying cycle is key to success, and not as daunting as it may seem

This webinar will highlight the following key points:

  • The data explosion and how it impacts today’s digital marketers
  • How relevance and personalization improve the customer experience and ultimately increase revenue
  • Real-world examples of how to effectively collect and leverage your customer and prospect data
  • How to not just survive but thrive in this new data-driven world