Buyer remails are probably the most profitable mailings you can have. Because circulation is focused on the most responsive segments of your house file, profitably is built in and guaranteed, says Jim Coogan, president of Sante Fe, NM-based consultancy Catalog Marketing Economics. The issue with buyer remails is to keep them fresh so that your best buyers will read, react and respond to your frequent messages. The most basic remail strategy is to print a second cover when catalogs are printed and mail the second cover as the buyer remail half way between larger planned mailings. Buyer remails using just a cover change is a proven tactic that is simple to execute and very effective. If you are not already using cover changes for remails, you should add these to your mailing plans.
These techniques work well to keep buyer remails responding at maximum profitability. Look at your circulation plans and printing specifications to examine ways to squeeze one or two more high profit buyer remails.